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3730 W BRYN MAWR Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60659


School Culture and Climate

School culture and climate are measured using the 5Essentials survey given to students and staff. See Your School's Report.

Not Enough Data

no data

Involved Families

Does the school partner with families and communities?

no data

Supportive Environment

Is the school safe and supportive with high expectations?

no data

Ambitious Instruction

Is the instruction focused, challenging and engaging?

no data

Collaborative Teachers

Do teachers work well together and strive for excellence?

no data

Effective Leaders

Does leadership focus on results and school improvement?

Very Weak
Very Strong
Not Enough Data

Note: The overall performance score is comprised of each of the 5Essentials scores. Schools that are at or above benchmark on 3 or more essentials are 10 times more likely to improve than schools that are below the benchmark.

Survey Response Rate

Students 0%
78.6% CPS Average
Teachers 30.4%
71.6% CPS Average

Behavior and Discipline

To learn more about disciplinary practices at this school and at the district level, access the 'Suspensions and Expulsions' report on the district's metrics page.

  2022 2023 District Average
Number of out-of-school suspensions per 100 students 0.8 4.2
Percent of misconducts resulting in out-of-school suspension 2.9 10.8
Average length of out-of-school suspensions 1.5 days 2.0 days

CPS | 609744