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Implementation Framework

The Skyline Implementation Framework supports school teams with understanding the practices and resources critical to strong curriculum implementation. The practices and resources are designed to prepare and empower educators to facilitate engaging, rigorous, and relevant instruction that centers on the identities, communities, and relationships of the students they serve. The resources below should be used to support strong Learning Cycles where teachers collaboratively LEARN & PLAN, DO, STUDY, SHARE & ACT as they enact high-quality curriculum in ways that advance the CPS Instructional Core Vision.

Resources for Network and School Leaders

School-Wide Conditions That Support Success Skyline Curriculum Implementation  High-Quality  Includes... Planning Practices (1) Collaborative that support... Unit Internalization Assessment Analysis and Action Planning Lesson Preparation and Facilitation Analyzing and Acting on Practice and Experience Data Instructional Coaching and Feedback Support and Monitor Curriculum Implementation (2) Routines to through ...

Collaborative Planning Practices

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Support and Monitor Curriculum Implementation

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School-Wide Conditions That Support Success

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Why a Focus On HQ Curriculum Implementation?

The use of HQ materials impacts student learning

“Using better instructional materials boosts student outcomes just as much as having a better teacher at the front of the room.” (The Elements, 2020)

Curriculum-based learning for teachers impacts student learning

“When teachers participated in curriculum-based professional learning, their students’ test scores improved by 9 percent of a standard deviation — about the same effect caused by replacing an average teacher with a top performer or reducing class size by 15 percent.” (The Elements, 2020)

Getting Started With Unit Internalization

A critical step for school teams is creating collaborative planning spaces for teachers to engage with unit internalization together. Check out the Getting Started Guide linked below to learn more.

Getting Started Guide

Frequently Asked Questions