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Multilingual Pathways

Priority: Offer multiple pathways for all students to have the opportunity to become proficient in more than one language, allowing them to become multilingual by the time they graduate from high school.

Visionary Goal

Every student will be multilingual when they graduate from high school.

Why It Matters

Learning a language improves brain function, which leads to improved cognitive performance. All CPS students should have an equal chance at this advantage. Currently, there are 238 world language programs in elementary and high schools District-wide, offering instruction in 11 world languages, but the distribution of these programs across the District is not equitable. In addition, English learners (ELs) need to excel in their native language and have an opportunity to achieve English language proficiency through high-quality English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. Currently, 27% of ELs do not reach English language proficiency within six years.


  • Expand world and dual language programs, prioritizing communities with limited access, specifically Black communities.
  • Improve the quality of EL programs and services provided to all ELs, including newcomers and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE), by strengthening the core content and native language instruction and wraparound services and partnerships.
  • Strengthen existing world language programs and Spanish/English dual language programs and expand programs to include more languages spoken by CPS students and families.

Five-Year Goals

  • Add three world languages and three dual language programs each year.
  • Increase the number of ELs achieving language proficiency by 7%.
  • Increase the number of students graduating with the Seal of Biliteracy by at least 15%.