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Together We Rise


CPS’ Five-Year Strategic Plan


Our strategic plan prioritizes the most critical challenges and opportunities identified through robust stakeholder engagement. We will accelerate the proven practices that have resulted in student success in the past while prioritizing areas that reflect the new approaches we believe will disrupt the cycles of inequity in our District.

student icon  Students

Accelerating Proven Practices

Instructional Core: Ensure instruction is focused on students and their needs, as well as improving connectedness, belonging, and well-being, including high-quality curriculum, meaningful assessments, student-focused instruction, accelerated practices, academic and social-emotional interventions.

Empowered Educators: Support all educators to provide a responsive and high-quality educational environment that celebrates diversity and promotes equity for students.

Equitable Acceleration Pathways: Develop opportunities for acceleration for students in 4th through 12th grades within their current schools.

Tutor Corps: Invest in a sustainable Tutor Corps model to accelerate academic progress for more students through targeted, high-dosage tutoring at schools with the largest opportunity gaps on the south and west sides.

High School Opportunities: Expand access to advanced coursework, including Advanced Placement classes, International Baccalaureate programming, dual credit and dual enrollment opportunities, military academies, job shadowing, and work-based learning opportunities.

Resources for Students in Temporary Living Situations: Expand resources for students in temporary living situations, adding more counselors in the schools with the greatest need, and providing professional learning that focuses on inclusivity and targeted supports for students and families.

Student Voice: Expand opportunities for students to meaningfully engage in decision-making in their schools and across the District.

school icon  Schools

Accelerating Proven Practices

Healing Centered Framework: Continue to transform CPS into the most trauma-engaged, culturally responsive school district in the country through our Healing Centered Framework.

Universal Student Supports: Strengthen Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) across schools, ensuring academic and social-emotional learning (SEL) supports are universally available to children across the District.

Culture and Climate Teams: Ensure 100% of schools have highly effective culture and climate teams in place that oversee the establishment and implementation of universal supports and strategies centered around collective well-being for students and staff, school-wide climate, and relational trust development as part of student social and emotional development.

Collaboration Around Student Needs: Increase collaboration among teachers, interventionists, and MTSS teams to proactively identify students’ academic needs and provide targeted interventions so that all children are accessing grade-level content.

Out-of-School Time: Continue the expansion of summer and out-of-school time programs, focusing on students furthest from opportunity.

Staff Leadership: Expand professional development and leadership opportunities for all school staff.

Technology Resources: Provide fast and free high-speed internet for students who need it the most, and provide technology devices and resources to all students.

Business Diversity: Increase contracting with certified minority-owned and woman-owned business enterprises in the Chicagoland area by promoting access to procurement opportunities.

Community icon  Communities

Accelerating Proven Practices

Community Engagement: Implement a community engagement framework and actively create a variety of opportunities to deepen community engagement and collaboration with stakeholders.

Local School Councils: Continue to promote diverse representation on LSCs, and establish decision-making roles for students on all LSCs.

Teacher Advisory Council: Promote the Teacher Advisory Council to serve as a forum for direct communication and collaboration between CPS teachers and executive leadership.

School Leader Engagement: Deeply engage school leaders on all key decisions that impact their schools through bi-monthly meetings with the central office leadership, the Principal Advisory Council, and Network Advisory Groups.

Design of Policies: Align stakeholder engagement with policy-making by creating strong systems that directly connect student, parent, and community voices with the shaping of District policies.

Go CPS: Continue to improve the Go CPS application process and socialize across all communities to support smooth enrollment practices for families and schools.

School Models: Continue supporting successful schools across multiple models, including neighborhood schools, selective enrollment, magnet, charter, and other programming options that meet the needs of our students and their communities.

Equitable Enrollment Processes: Ensure that our enrollment processes are equitable and provide opportunities for all students to access a rigorous and joyful learning experience, with a targeted focus on increasing access to different school models for underrepresented students and students from disinvested communities.

Accountability of School Education Partners: Expand our support and ensure that we hold our educational partners within our CPS ecosystem, including charter, contract, and options schools accountable.