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Arts Student Voice Committee

The Arts Student Voice Committee (ASVC) is a diverse group of CPS high school students who work with the Department of Arts Education (DAE) team to discuss, create, and execute strategies for improving arts education in Chicago Public Schools. Additionally, ASVC contributes their ideas and talents to DAE events and programs, further amplifying and encouraging student voices in arts education.

How to Apply

Are you a student who is interested in affecting arts education within CPS? We want to hear from you! The Arts Student Voice Committee (ASVC) is up and running this school year, but is always looking for new members. Email with the subject line, “ASVC!”

ASVC meets regularly to discuss issues related to CPS arts education and selects issues they feel strongly about to make an actionable impact during their time on the committee. They also work on select projects for the Department of Arts Education throughout the school year.

Get To Know The Current Committee

  • Sam, 18 (Committee Lead)

    School: Whitney Young High School
    Interests: Outside of ASVC, I spend most of my time creating visual art in the form of zines and mini-comics. Additionally, as part of my senior project at Whitney Young I work with the visual art teacher at Skinner West to support elementary school students in their pursuit of art.

    I have been a dedicated member of ASVC since freshman year, and you may recognize some of my work on the RE·VER·BER·ATE posters. ASVC has inspired me to advocate for a more equitable arts education, and as student lead I hope to help cultivate a committee that is passionate about making meaningful change within CPS.

  • Alex, 16

    School: Lake View High School
    Interests: I’m a big big music guy. I play five instruments (mainly guitar) and I write tons of music.

    ASVC is great for me to make connections. It is how I met someone who got me to join their band!

  • Ariel, 17

    School: Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep
    Interests:I like crocheting, drawing, martial arts, music, writing poetry, art, and dancing.

    Being a part of ASVC is an incredible opportunity to create opportunities for many other students across the district! I am surrounded by passionate individuals who genuinely care about the arts and are kind, amazing, and fun to be around. Additionally, it's exciting to collaborate with CPS partners to help support the arts in schools.

  • Daniel, 17

    School: Jones College Prep
    Interests: Graphic design, photography, museums, and trying different hobbies!

    Working with this team is a wonderful chance to have a hand in making opportunities for my peers throughout the district! I am surrounded by like minded students who truly care about making the arts an equitable and welcoming experience. It is also great to meet with CPS partners to see how they help develop programming.

  • Diego, 17

    School: Lane Tech College Prep
    Interests: I love all arts but I'm focused on anything related to music (preferably drums). I also enjoy reading comic books.

    It’s my first time being in ASVC! It’s amazing to see so many students from different schools and backgrounds coming together to give arts opportunities for students who are experienced or simply want to try out the arts. I believe this program will not just help CPS students but help the city overall. Art is more than just writing, drawing or playing, it's a way of expression.

  • Elizabeth, 15

    School: Curie Metropolitan High School
    Interests: I enjoy film, editing, and photography. I also like making music/ beats and walking while the sun sets.

    ASVC is a special program for high school students. It has wonderful, kind people who like to do many different kinds of arts and are open to trying new things. ASVC helps artists who want to perform and exhibit their amazing talents! ASVC is a comfortable space to share thoughts.

  • Gemma, 14

    School: Whitney Young High School
    Interests: Watercolors and pastel paintings, writing poems and short stories.

    ASVC gave me the opportunity to learn so much about CPS and arts education. My overall experience has been very eye-opening. I am happy to be able to contribute to a team of such wonderful, talented, and kind artists. I hope to make a lot of positive impact on other schools’ art programs during my time with this committee!

  • Izabel, 16

    School: Amundsen High School
    Interests: I am a passionate visual artist and collector of various knickknacks and physical music media.

    Working on large-scale projects in ASVC, such as RE•VER•BER•ATE helped me establish my own artistic vision and encouraged me to start projects in my own community. Everyone in ASVC, including our partners, are so pleasant and invested in the work that they do. I find this really inspirational! Collaborating on these projects with peers has taught me how to provide feedback, advocate, and truly believe my personal voice is important. Overall, ASVC has made me a better communicator and a more creative person. I look forward to being a part of new projects this year!

  • Leo, 17

    School: Senn High School
    Interests: I have been in theatre since I was three years old and love acting and performing! Recent professional credits include The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time @ Skokie Theatre and Whisper House @ Black Button Eyes Productions! Outside of theatre, I love watching football! Bear down!

    I am super excited to join ASVC this year! Arts education is critical to the success of all young people, and I am excited to do my part to sustain the arts in CPS!

  • Maxime, 18

    School: Lincoln Park High School
    Interests: I love photography, making intricate collages, and collecting ephemera! I’m also the editor-in-chief of my school’s yearbook, and am interested in archives!

    Being in ASVC has been an incredible opportunity to collaborate with like-minded peers who strive to make the arts more equitable for students across CPS! Our work on RE•VER•BER•ATE has made it clear to me that student voices are critical.

  • Maya, 17

    School: Walter Payton College Prep
    Interests: I really enjoy singing, theater, and Indian dance! In addition to the arts, I like to write for my blog, spend time with friends, and volunteer.

    In ASVC, I have learned a lot about the inner workings of CPS and their arts programs. In addition to the work we do for RE•VER•BER•ATE, I really hope I can spend this year developing other arts programs in CPS!

  • Noa, 18

    School: Northside College Prep
    Interests: I love visual arts, especially drawing, painting, and sculpting!

    ASVC is an amazing opportunity for me to learn more about the hard work that goes into CPS events and meet other creative, motivated students! Being a part of this team teaches me the impact and importance of my voice as a young person.

  • Simon, 17

    School: Senn High School
    Interests: I enjoy working with large paintings, photography, bio-art, and web design! I also love bananas, libraries, cats, Splatoon, John Oliver, and collecting (too many) random things.

    I’m so grateful for all the wonderful artists I’ve worked with here and for the resources ASVC provides us! Being part of this opportunity empowers me to be more involved and take action. I’m excited to continue working on illustration, public art, and interdisciplinary education projects here! In a world where art education is so often undervalued, I feel honored to be part of an amazing team of other passionate students working to keep art alive and accessible to all. This experience has inspired me to continue similar work after high school.

  • Tatum, 17

    School: Sullivan High School
    Interests: Film, theater, spending time with friends, and watching hours worth of YouTube. Outside of those interests, I also enjoy occasional baking and collecting trinkets.

    ASVC brings me new connections which helps me network with people from all walks of life. Meeting all the members of ASVC has been awesome and everyone is very welcoming! Despite this being my first year, I hope to foster long term change within the art programs of CPS.

ASVC in Action!


The SY24-25 ASVC works closely with the Student Programs team to design promotional materials for All-City Performing Arts, All-City Visual Arts, and the RE·VER·BER·ATE Festival.



The SY23-24 ASVC worked closely with the Student Programs team to design promotional materials for the RE·VER·BER·ATE Festival, as well as RE:ALIZE.

RE•VER•BER•ATE 2024 Poster


The SY22-23 ASVC worked closely with the Student Programs team to design promotional materials for the RE·VER·BER·ATE Festival.

A Multi-disciplinary Arts Festival


The SY21-22 ASVC worked with the Department of Arts Education (DAE) to develop an online survey designed to understand CPS students’ goals for a student arts event.


Rest & Renew: As part of the 2021 Arts Education Conference: Rest & Renew, the ASVC collaborated with musician Cole DeGenova to write lyrics for an original song celebrating our amazing teachers, arts partners, and students for persisting through a challenging school year.


Why The Arts?: To accompany Amplifying Essential Voices, our April 2020 Conference Keynote and Panel event, the ASVC created this video about the importance of arts education that cleverly riffs on Kahoot!, the popular learning platform.

Thank You, CPS Arts Teachers: The ASVC express their gratitude to CPS arts teachers at the end of the SY20 school year.

ASVC (Sam Park logo) Black (3).png

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