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Arts Education Plan 2012

The process to craft the first-ever CPS Arts Education Plan was initiated in early 2012. The goal was to create a policy and programming blueprint for increasing access, equity and the quality of arts education provided to CPS students.

Overview of 2012 Plan

  • Brief introduction to the purpose and significance of the 2012 CPS Arts Education Plan.
  • Outline the key objectives and goals of the 2012 plan.
  • 2012 Plan Document

Accomplishments from 2012 Plan

  • Detail the achievements and milestones reached under the previous CPS Arts Education Plan (2012).
  • Showcase success stories, data, and testimonials that demonstrate the impact of arts education initiatives.
  • Include quantitative data on student participation, academic performance, and community engagement.

CPS Department of Arts Education


42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602