The Plan Will:
- Be a visionary document that defines the next evolution of CPS arts education priorities, practices, and policies
- Outline high level commitments and owners
- Continue to highlight the importance and the impact of the arts in preK-12 education
- Center the student experience, and how teachers, administrators, and external partners support that experience
- Inclusive of district & non-district managed schools
- Align to existing continuous improvement frameworks (CIDT) and the CPS Strategic Plan
- Celebrate progress since 2012, showcase exemplars, and provide recommendations for the next five years.
The Plan Will Not:
- Be a granular implementation roadmap or guide book
- Provide hard implementation deadlines
- Direct citywide arts and/or arts education efforts not connected to CPS
- Necessarily fall under the same six goals identified in 2012
- Dictate significant departures from the ongoing work of the DAE
- Be inaccessibly long or jargon-heavy
The following considerations for the development process have been elevated during initial interviews
- Elevate a diverse spectrum of student and parent voices, particularly those who are typically left out of these conversations
- Leverage the development of this plan to intentionally build alignment, trust, and awareness of DAE offerings and best practices with school leaders
- Ensure that this plan is student-centered, while also knowing that external partners play a key role in supplementing–not supplanting-CPS teacher instruction
- Balance idealism with feasibility and sustainability, while pushing for innovation
- Plan should acknowledge and build on the existing strengths of DAE
Proposed Components of a New Plan
- Historical Context and evaluation of goals met/not met from 2012 Plan
- Research on arts education best practices
- Data Analysis and Reporting of current state, beyond the CSC and 2012 Plan goals
- New DAE Mission and district Vision
- Goals and Recommendations
- Clear Assignments of Responsibilities for Implementation
- Estimated budget and potential funding sources
- How does this plan connect with other content areas and district priorities?