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Resolution Rescinding School Quality Rating Policy and Determining School Accountability Statuses for School Year 2023-2024 (Based on 2022-2023 Performance)

Section 302.6 | Board Report 22-0727-RS1 | Date Adopted July 27, 2022

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WHEREAS, the Board resolved on February 23, 2022 (Board Report 22-0223-RS3) that eligible schools will be denoted as “Inability to Rate” for the 2022-2023 school year and that each school that received Good Standing status, Remediation status (which indicates the need for Provisional Support), or Probation status (which indicates the need for Intensive Support) per Section 5/34-8.3 of the Illinois School Code during the 2019-2020 school year shall maintain that same status for the 2022-2023 school year.

WHEREAS, the Board resolved on April 27, 2022 (Board Report 22-0427-RS1) that the district would redesign its approach to accountability in line with certain values and priorities and that this new accountability policy would be implemented prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year (to define accountability statuses for the 2024-2025 school year) and;

WHEREAS, this timeline leaves a gap in accountability between the resolution adopted by the Board in February, 2022 and the first year under the district’s redesigned accountability policy (the 2023-2024 school year) and;

WHEREAS, there is consensus among the Board, district leaders, and district stakeholders that the transition to the district’s new accountability policy should include space for new components to be piloted without stakes and;

WHEREAS, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) releases annual school summative designations for every school in Illinois (including Chicago) in accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and;

WHEREAS, ISBE’s ESSA plan designates each school as either Exemplary, Commendable, Targeted, or Comprehensive and that the Targeted and Comprehensive designations come with additional budgetary supports from ISBE;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Board hereby directs as follows:

  1. Rescind the Board’s School Quality Rating Policy (Board Report 19-0626-PO2).
  2. For the 2023-2024 school year, each school eligible to receive an accountability status per Section 5/34-8.3 of the Illinois School Code (i.e., Good Standing status; Remediation status, which indicates the need for Provisional Support; or Probation status, which indicates the need for Intensive Support) shall have its status updated according to the following criteria:
    • All schools designated as “Exemplary” or “Commendable” by ISBE shall receive an accountability status of Good Standing.
    • All schools designated as “Targeted” by ISBE shall receive an accountability status of Remediation, which indicates the need for Provisional Support
    • All schools designated as “Comprehensive” by ISBE shall receive an accountability status of Probation, which indicates the need for Intensive Support
  3. The Chief Executive Officer may still publish data on student outcomes, school conditions, and district resources as appropriate, in accordance with the spirit of the Board’s April 27, 2022 resolution regarding the district’s future approach to accountability, but these will not be used to issue school ratings or determine accountability statuses for the 2023-2024 school year.
  4. In accordance with 105 ILCS 5/34-18.69, the district will not approve any school closings, consolidations, or phase-outs based on Fall 2023 accountability status. In addition, while section 8.3 of the Illinois school code also ties principal removals and school turnarounds to accountability status, the State’s Fall 2023 data will not be used for these purposes.
  5. This resolution does not apply to district managed Options schools, early learning centers, detention centers, or specialty high schools (i.e., Southside Occupational Academy, Vaughn Occupational, Northside Learning Center, and Graham Training Center). Guidelines for establishing accountability status for these schools in the 2023-2024 school will be described in future Board resolutions.
  6. This Resolution is effective immediately upon adoption.
Amends/Rescinds Rescinds 19-0626-PO2
Cross References

22-0427-RS1 [Resolution Regarding a New Approach to Accountability for District-Run Schools for School Year 2023-2024 and Beyond is attached to the July 2022 Resolution]

22-0223-RS3 [Resolution Regarding School Ratings and Accountability Statuses in Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is attached to the July 2022 Resolution]

21-0428-RS4; 20-0527-RS4; 18-0926-RS2, 17-0927-RS1, 16-0824-RS1, 15-0929-RS3, 14-1119-PO1; 14-0927-PO2; 14-0827-PO2; 13-0828-PO5; 13-0424-PO2; 12-0725-PO2; 10-0728-PO3;10-0728-PO4; 09-0624-PO1; 08-0602-PO2; 07-0328-PO1; 06-0823-PO2; 06-0322-PO2; 04-0225-PO3; 03-0423-PO03; 02-1218-PO01; 99-0825-PO2

Legal References


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