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Under-Enrolled Schools

Section 302.11 | Board Report 18-1024-PO1 | Date Adopted October 24, 2018

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That the Board adopt an Under-Enrolled Schools Policy.

PURPOSE: This policy is adopted in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/34-201(k) which requires the Board to establish of a policy to address under-enrolled schools. This policy is designed to support under-enrolled schools to produce greater enrollment efficiency.


I. Definitions.

Under-Enrolled School: For purposes of this policy, under-enrolled school means a school that is determined, following the annual release of the District’s Space Utilization report, to:

  1. have an enrollment that is less than 70% of its Ideal Capacity, as defined in the District’s Space Utilization Standards; and
  2. have experienced two subsequent years of year-over-year declines of 10% or more in 20th day enrollment; and
  3. not be engaged in a closure or co-location; and
  4. not have received a programmatic investment or other intervention listed in section II below in the last five years.

II. Potential Interventions.

The Chief Executive Officer or designee shall consider potential interventions to address an under-enrolled school including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Create a request for proposals for joint use of the school with an intergovernmental rental or other outside entity rental,
  • Except for a charter school, cease any potential plans for school expansion that may negatively impact enrollment at the under-enrolled school,
  • After analysis of assignment ratios, redraft attendance boundaries to maximize enrollment of additional students,
  • Work with under-enrolled schools to identify opportunities to:
    • Increase enrollment. This includes creating a process that solicits high-quality applications from schools that address a programmatic need, have a strong implementation plan, and have the clear support of the school administration, Local School Council and broader community; or
    • Lower the costs of occupancy through joint use agreements.
Cross References  
Legal References 105 ILCS 5/34-201(k), P.A. 100-0965
Public Comment  

Policy Managed By Office of Planning and Data Management


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Chicago, IL 60602