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Latest Chicago Roadmap Impact Report Highlights Continued Progress to Improve College and Career Readiness

31 July 2023

This year’s report was the most data-driven report yet, highlighting successes across every level of the Roadmap.

Chicago Roadmap

“When Chicago students are properly supported, there is nothing they cannot accomplish…” 

This year’s Chicago Roadmap Impact Report begins with this inspiring line from Mayor Brandon Johnson, City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) Chancellor Juan Salgado, and Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez that reminds us of the limitless potential of our students. 

In fact, the Chicago Roadmap itself was launched several years ago on the foundation that our students deserved world-class educational pathways and resources to help them achieve success in higher education and their careers. It is organized into five domains, broad strategies comprised of programs and initiatives to reach these goals: 

  1. Academic Readiness and Success
  2. Access to High-Quality Programs
  3. Student Advising and Supports
  4. Career Exploration, Experience, and Readiness
  5. Transparency, Alignment, and Collaboration

Each year, CCC and CPS release a joint impact report to share progress being made across each of these domains. This year’s report was the most data-driven report yet, highlighting successes across every level of the Roadmap. 

For example, one of the key strategies for improving academic readiness and success has been transitional English and math coursework that help students transitioning into college hit the ground running in these core subject areas. 

In the past year, the number of students enrolled in transitional English classes has increased from 1,936 students to 3,203 students. And the number of students enrolled in transitional math classes has increased from 3,381 students to 3,818 students. Transitional math courses are currently offered in 72 high schools, and transitional English courses are currently offered in 42 high schools. 

One of the District’s goals related to high-quality programs is to increase the number of students who earn 15 or more college credits before graduating high school. The impact report shows this figure has increased from 463 to 620. CPS and CCC want to see this number grow to 1,500 by the 2024-25 school year. 

While a lot of data related to student advising and supports from this year is not yet available, the report shows positive trends in terms of enrollment into CCC from CPS and the number of students earning the STAR Scholarship, which allows them to pursue a degree at CCC at no cost. The District is also proud of its success related to the Options for the Future Scholarship, which has increased postsecondary enrollment for students from Options High Schools from 131 to 257. 

It’s likely many of these gains connect to the increased investment in postsecondary navigators, CCC staff members who work in CPS schools to help students with college and career exploration. 

These achievements are just a small piece of the progress CPS and CCC have made because of their increased collaboration and convergence with each other. To learn more about other strides related to postsecondary opportunities, you can read the full report in English here or in Spanish here. 

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