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How My Elementary School Helped Me Become More Mature

12 December 2023

By Jaiden S., Eighth-Grade Student at Dvorak School of Excellence

Dvorak Student

There are so many people at my school whom I want to thank for their support. I know that I’m going to make all of them proud, both in education and my dreams overall. 

The first person who comes to mind is Ms. Whitney, my school’s former principal. She watched me grow up and pulled me out of the classroom when needed to talk to me about what was on my mind. 

I’ve grown a lot since I entered Dvorak as a pre-k student, and the biggest way has been that I’ve matured so much. The people around me—my teachers and my classmates—have helped me become a better student and a better person. 

Now, it’s my last year at Dvorak, and I have so many memories that I know I’ll never forget. Early on, not all of those memories were great. I can think of some bad things that I’ve done. 

But, year by year, those memories became more and more positive as I displayed more maturity and focused more on my academics. 

Some of my favorite memories at Dvorak have occurred during basketball practice with my friends. I’ll never forget when one of my friends got a technical foul for slapping the floor. 

It’s my ultimate goal to play in the National Basketball Association one day. I’ve been playing my whole life and enjoy being on the team here at Dvorak. I’m a strong shooter and dribbler, and I think I still have room to grow in these areas, as well as my defense. 

I hope to follow in the footsteps of some of my favorite players: Stephen Curry, Trae Young, and Kobe Bryant. 

The memories I have from school show what a great school it is. Dvorak is a good school for education and sports. All of the staff members are nice and explain things well. 

Picture of staircase at Dvorak

This school even runs in my family—my family members recommended it to my parents because they used to go here and said it was a good school. 

Inside the classroom, my favorite subject is math because it’s easy to learn. Right now, I’m learning about exponents and scientific notation. 

I’ve been able to maintain good grades—no Ds or Fs—and haven’t really gotten in trouble yet this year. My time in eighth grade shows how much I have grown since I was younger. 

My peers have been a good influence on me, and I have advice that I want to share with them. I hope they remember to be themselves and to be leaders rather than following others. 

You can be a leader on the basketball court by making sure that all your teammates are involved in helping the team win. And you can be a leader in the classroom by completing your own work and then comparing it with others to help everyone learn. 

Even though I’m in my last year of elementary school, I’m still finding new ways to discover my interests. Dvorak has clubs, and I’m currently participating in a club where you get to make your own clothes. 

Of course, my ultimate goal is to make it to the NBA, but clothing design is definitely becoming another dream that I have for the future. 

I’m starting to decide where I want to go to high school, and I know that I want to go to a school that has many of the same qualities as Dvorak: strong academics and all of the sports that I like to play. 

In addition to basketball, I also play football and have even started playing volleyball this year. 

I’m looking forward to getting to know new people next year as a freshman and plan on keep getting good grades. 

I feel good about what is to come, but, at the same time, I’m going to miss Dvorak. I’ve been here my whole life and will certainly miss everyone who has been there for me the whole time that I was here.

Artwork at Dvorak

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