How to Participate in 2020 Local School Council Elections
21 October 2020
To ensure our school communities are able to have their voices heard safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve made updates to our LSC elections.

To ensure our school communities are able to have their voices heard safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve made updates to our 2020 Local School Council (LSC) elections. Below, you’ll find answers to who can vote in this year’s election, how participation options have changed, and when you can cast a ballot.
Who can participate in this year’s LSC elections?
All parents, legal guardians, or temporary custodians of a CPS student are eligible to vote at their student’s respective school. Elections are also open to any community members who are 17 years or older and reside in a respective school’s attendance area or voting district, even if they do not have any children enrolled at the school.
As with past LSC elections, staff members will have the opportunity to vote on staff candidates and high school students for student candidates.
How can I vote in my school’s local election?
To ensure all eligible voters are able to participate safely, we’ve introduced a mail-in ballot option for parents, guardians and staff members in addition to in-person voting and will be using a virtual-only ballot system for students.
Because the district does not have a roster of all residents living within an attendance boundary, community members will vote in-person, with enhanced health and safety measures.
If I’m a parent or staff member, do I need to apply for a mail-in ballot?
No — the district will use data from Aspen and the Talent Office to identify every CPS parent, guardian, and staff member and send each a mail-in ballot and prepaid return envelope by the week of November 2.
What kind of health and safety precautions will be taken at in-person LSC voting sites?
All in-person voters will be required to wear a cloth face covering, sanitize their hands, maintain social distancing, and complete a health screener and temperature check before entering the building. Inside the building, voters will be protected by sneeze guards and other physical barriers and see signage throughout school facilities to emphasize new policies and procedures.
Curbside voting will be available for individuals with disabilities, individuals who cannot or forgot to wear a mask, and individuals who choose not to enter the polling place due to pre-existing health conditions.
What forms of ID do I need to vote in-person?
The district does not track or check immigration status and community and parent voters do not need to be U.S. Citizens in order to vote.
All in-person voters will need to bring two current forms of identification with them to vote, but parents and guardians should include at least one form of ID confirming their child is enrolled at CPS, staff should include their CPS ID, and community members should have documentation of their residential address (such as a lease or utility bill).
Other acceptable forms of identification include a drivers license, Illinois ID, public library card, MediPlan or Medicare card, permanent resident card, matricula consular, voter registration card, current lease, utility bill, credit or debit card, or court documents.
When can I vote?
In-person voting for parents, legal guardians, staff members and community members:
- Elementary Schools: November 18 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- High Schools: November 19 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Mail-in voting for parents, legal guardians and staff members:
- Mail-in ballots must be received by November 30 and be postmarked by the date of the election (November 18 for elementary schools and November 19 for high schools). Voters can also drop their ballot off at their school up to the date of the election.
Virtual voting for students:
- Students will receive electronic ballots from principals on November 16 to vote on November 17.
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