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Whitney Young HS Powerlifter Sets National Record

06 November 2018

This 17-year-old senior may only be 5’6″ and 180 pounds, but he can lift up to three times his body weight. He set a new national record for powerlifting in a competition in Spokane, Wash. in October.

GiHo Jeong lifting a barbell

Meet GiHo Jeong. This 17-year-old senior may only be 5’6″ and 180 pounds, but he can lift up to three times his body weight. He set a new national record for powerlifting in a competition in Spokane, Wash. in October. Jeong, who spearheaded his school's co-ed powerlifting club three years ago, broke the national record for the 83 kilogram weight class of 240 kilogram by 7.5 kilogram, hitting a 247.5 kilogram, or 546 pounds squat. That’s a lot of muscle! He explains to us that it’s all in his legs.

We sat down with him and his coach, Mike Hinrichs, to learn the process. Jeong even demonstrated his powerlifting skills for the camera. Check it out!

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