My student is still having difficulty. What's next?
All children learn differently. If a child is exhibiting little or no progress in an area of concern after receiving interventions they may qualify for special education and/or related services. Learn more about how the special education process can work for your child.
The Special Education Process
For more information about the special education process at CPS, including guidance and information on best practices regarding the provision of special education services and supports, view the CPS Office for Students with Disabilities IDEA Procedural Manual, developed and revised in accordance with the federal and state mandates, as well as in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
OSD Helpline
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) Helpline offers guidance and support for parents/guardians navigating the CPS special education, IEP/504s, and more. The helpline is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 773-553-1800 or email
OSD Parent Support Specialist
When you’re not sure who to call or what questions to ask regarding your child with a disability, OSD Parent Support Specialists can help provide one-on-one guidance or refer you to the appropriate resources.