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ISBE Mandated Training for Staff

Self-Guided Training: Improving Supports and Services to our Students and Families

Last May, CPS entered into an action plan with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to better support parents and students through all stages of the evaluation and IEP process. As part of our commitment to ensure that our students and their families receive the best possible services, ISBE developed a required IEP training for general and special education teachers. Teachers may complete the modules as a group or individually.

This self-guided training is intended for general and special education teachers who did not attend an in-person training at a school or alternate location.

Part 1: ISBE Inquiry and Overview

Video Length: 40 min

Part 1 provides an overview of your roles and responsibilities as special education and general education teachers through the lens of special education and students with disabilities. It reviews the expectations regarding the eligibility and IEP process and outlines the changes in special education for the Chicago Public Schools as a result of the 2017-18 ISBE Public Inquiry Findings and Corrective Action and Public Act 100-0993, which enacted amendments to the Illinois School Code on August 20, 2018.

Watch Part 1

Part 2: Data Collection and Reporting

Video Length: 53 min

Part 2 provides details regarding the changes made to CPS’ electronic IEP system (SSM IMPACT), including data collection for Extended School Year (ESY), paraprofessional support, separate day school, specific learning disabilities, and transportation. Qualitative and quantitative data is defined and described, as well as its key significance to every IEP team decision. Part 2 also describes the importance of the IEP Notes section and provides details on the IEP Dissent process.

Watch Part 2

Part 3: IEP Process and Best Practices

Video Length: 40 min

Part 3 delivers information regarding parent perspectives on the IEP process and walks through IEP best practices and tips before, during, and after the IEP meeting. Part 3 should be utilized as a meaningful tool for self-reflection as a valuable IEP team member, as well as a source for discussion among school staff and administration to enhance and improve every school's IEP team practices and diligence.

Watch Part 3

Office for Students with Disabilities


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