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School Profiles

Get to Know Our Schools

CPS is home to more than 600 elementary and high schools that offer a wide variety of programs and experiences. School profiles offer an in-depth look at the unique identities and characteristics of the schools that make up our District. 

Want to search by location? View our School Locator.

Search for a Profile

Search for a school to find detailed information about programs, admissions requirements, after school activities, District investments, and updated student outcome and school practice data.

Exploring Our New School Profiles

As you browse our school profiles you may notice that a lot has changed. We’ve made major updates to the data and information included in the profiles to support CPS’ new approach to analyzing school practices and student outcomes. This new approach, called Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency (CIDT), will begin to be implemented in the 2024-25 school year. In addition to the information you’re used to seeing, profiles will now begin to include expanded data about how the District and schools support the whole child.

Here are a few more changes you’ll notice:

Schools are no longer ranked

Instead, school profiles now present a wide range of metrics that describe student achievement, school conditions, and community support.

Metrics are focused on holistic measures of learning and well-being

Inside our school profiles, you’ll find more than just grades and test scores. We have introduced new data about academic progress, school climate, and community engagement to offer a fuller picture of each school's strengths and areas for improvement.

Data is rooted in community input and driven by stakeholder collaboration

The changes to our school profiles are informed by input from more than 21,000 stakeholders. To ensure the profiles are accessible and actionable, a Transparency Committee of parents, staff, and other stakeholders reviews and provides feedback on each metric, which are labeled to reflect the current stage of engagement.

Your voice makes a difference

In addition to our stakeholder engagement, we welcome your feedback, too. Share your thoughts about your experience with our new school profiles.

Transforming Accountability Through Continuous Improvement

After years of planning and development, CPS has introduced a new system for analyzing the daily learning experiences of our students. The Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency policy transforms the District’s accountability system by focusing on the holistic development of students. It fosters a collaborative relationship between the District, schools, and communities by providing equitable resources and supporting each school’s unique priorities. Learn more about our process on the CIDT website.



Transforming Accountability Through Continuous Improvement

After years of planning and development, CPS has introduced a new system for analyzing the daily learning experiences of our students. The Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency policy transforms the District’s accountability system by focusing on the holistic development of students. It fosters a collaborative relationship between the District, schools, and communities by providing equitable resources and supporting each school’s unique priorities. Learn more about our process on the CIDT website.