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Plan Programming for Parents at the Network level

Module Methods Who Where When

listening icon


Group Listening Conversations
to ask PAC (Parent Advisory Council) officers what their programming needs are and identify commonalities across the network.
PAC officers / parents / caregivers
25 - 30 participants
Facilitated by FACE (Family Community Engagement in Education) Managers.
At a school or virtually. Week 1
Two hour network-level PAC/PLN (Parent Leadership Network) meetings.

sensemaking icon



Affinity Clustering, Themes, and Insights
to identify and prioritize patterns related to programming needs as well as opportunities and challenges.

PAC officers / parents / caregivers
25 - 30 participants
Facilitated by FACE Managers.
At a school or virtually.

ideating icon


Creative Connections Map
to spark new ideas for outreach and/or advocacy opportunities with parents to improve academic success for students.
PAC officers / parents / caregivers
25 - 30 participants
Facilitated by FACE Managers.
At a school or virtually.

Week 2
Two hour network-level PAC/PLN meetings.

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Prioritization Matrix
to evaluate, prioritize, and combine ideas to identify two or three specific initiatives in alignment with their CIWP (Continuous Improvement Working Plan) to be supported by CPS.
PAC officers / parents / caregivers
25 - 30 participants
Facilitated by FACE Managers.
At a school or virtually.

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Concept Poster
to show the two or three specific programming initiatives that were prioritized and highlight how they will improve the school.

FACE Managers + PAC members leading these initiatives. At a school or virtually. Week 3
One or two hour small group working session.