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Neighborhood Programs

Every address in Chicago is assigned a neighborhood high school where students are guaranteed a seat without going through the GoCPS application process, usually the general education program. Proof of residency is required to enroll as a neighborhood student.

Find Your Child’s Neighborhood School & Enroll


Enter student’s primary address into School Search Tool.


Designated neighborhood elementary and high schools will be highlighted.


Contact school directly to enroll. Enrollment Requirements & Forms

GoCPS Programs in Neighborhood Schools

It’s possible that your neighborhood school offers additional GoCPS programs in addition to the general education program such as an IB program or a CTE program. A GoCPS application must be submitted to be considered for any non-general education programs that may be housed at your neighborhood school, and admission is not guaranteed. You can find any additional programs offered under the school's admission tab on their profile page.

GoCPS applications are required when applying to any general education programs outside of your neighborhood school.

School Search Tool

Address Change

If your child plans to attend their designated neighborhood school, your child must still live at that address when they enroll in the school, and you must provide valid proof of residency. If your home address changes to outside a school’s boundaries before your child is enrolled, students will have a new neighborhood school. Contact the new school to enroll.

Automatic Enrollment

Once a student is enrolled at their neighborhood school, they are automatically re-enrolled for the next school year as long as they have not accepted a GoCPS offer to another program. Let the school know if your child’s address changes after enrolling. If a student’s address changes after they were enrolled as a neighborhood student, it will be up to the school on whether the student can continue in that neighborhood school until graduation. All students in grades 7-12 will be able to stay until graduation regardless.

Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602