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Priority Group Preferences

Some GoCPS Choice programs consider priority preferences when selecting students for open seats (Selective Enrollment programs do not).  For example, having a sibling already enrolled at the school/program, a parent/guardian on staff at the school, how close you live to a school, or what tier your address is assigned could be offered as a priority preference. Lottery order is based on each program and listed on the school profile page.

How It Works


Check the school’s profile page using the School Search Tool to see if the program you are interested in offers any priority preferences.


Make a list of the programs and any priority preferences your student qualifies for.


Complete the priority section on your student’s GoCPS application in order to be considered in a priority group. Many families miss this important step.

Types of Choice Program Priority Preferences

An applicant can only be included in the selection process in one category. For instance, a student cannot be in both the sibling and the staff preference lottery. Students who are not selected are assigned a waitlist number in that priority queue.

Sibling Priority Preference

ALL of the following requirements must be met in order to qualify for sibling preference:

  • The “sibling” must be a natural sibling, step-sibling, foster sibling, or adopted sibling who lives in the same household.
  • The applicant must have a sibling who is currently enrolled and will remain enrolled in the school to which the applicant is applying. This means that siblings in their final year at that school will not allow the applicant to qualify for sibling preference.
  • You must submit a GoCPS application to any school outside of your designated neighborhood school if you want your child to be considered for enrollment, even if you already have a child enrolled at that school.
  • You must provide identifying sibling information on your child’s GoCPS application (currently enrolled student's name, current school name, and CPS ID number), or your child will not be given sibling preference during the selection process. Make sure that this information is current and up to date with your children’s schools.

When Sibling Priority Does Not Apply

  • If applying for two or more children without a sibling already enrolled. Sibling preference only applies when a student is already enrolled. There is no priority given to multiple children applying to different grades to the same school or program.
  • Sibling priority is not given for students who are enrolled in a CPS PreK program at a school because PreK students are not guaranteed a seat in the kindergarten program unless it is their neighborhood school. Exceptions to this rule include Drummond, Suder, and Inter-American Elementary Schools.
  • If an enrolled sibling graduates or transfers to another school. In that case, your child’s offer will be rescinded and your child will be placed in the general applicant queue.
  • It does not apply to multiples (siblings from the same pregnancy like twins and triplets) that are applying in the same school year. The terms “twins” and “multiples” do not include siblings adopted during the same year, adopted siblings born during the same 12-month period, biological siblings born during the same 12-month period, or any other circumstance in which siblings are close in age.
    • Families of multiples have the option of linking their GoCPS CHOICE applications together so that the students are either admitted together or placed next to each other on the waitlist. Applicants can only be linked when the program is running a lottery- based selections process.
    • If you choose not to indicate on the GoCPS application that your children are multiples, their GoCPS applications will be independently processed in the lottery and their applications will not be linked.

Selection and Waitlist

  • If a school receives more GoCPS applications from siblings than there are seats available, a computerized lottery will be conducted to fill the seats.
  • Siblings are placed on a sibling waitlist if there is no immediate availability.


Some schools/programs select students based on their tier. Every address in the city of Chicago is assigned a tier. Please visit the Tiers page for details on how to find your tier and check the School Profile page to see if tiers applies to a program you’re interested in.


Any applicants who do not qualify for one of the listed priority preferences will be placed in the General category for the selection process.

Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602