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Accelerated Placement/Grade Skipping

Early entrance and whole grade acceleration place students at a higher grade level than their peers to meet their academic needs or social-emotional readiness. You can find next steps if you want your child considered for early entrance to kindergarten or first grade, skipping a whole grade, or skipping a grade in math and/or reading.

Early Entrance and Acceleration

  • Early Entrance to Kindergarten

    Early entrance is the admission of a student to Kindergarten who turns five years old on or between September 2 and December 31 of the school year during which you want to enroll your child.

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  • Early Entrance to Grade 1

    Early entrance is the admission of a student to first grade who will reach six years old on or between September 2 and December 31 of the school year during which you want to enroll your child.

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  • Whole Grade Acceleration Grades 4-6

    This is the full-time admission of a student to a higher grade level. It’s only available to students who are in 4th-6th grade at the time of application.

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  • Single Subject Acceleration

    This assigns math and/or reading at the next higher grade level. Applicants for single-subject acceleration must be currently enrolled in grades 4-6.

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Office of Access & Enrollment (OAE)


Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602