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Getting Back on Track

CPS is committed to offering supports and programs to help ensure all students stay on track to transition to the next grade and graduate from high school.

Students who fail to meet promotion criteria, or who have fewer credits than they should at any given point in their high school career, can make up academic work outside regular school hours.

Supports and Programs

  • Summer Bridge and High School Connection (Summer Acceleration)

    Summer Bridge provides students in grades 3, 6, and 8 who don't meet promotion criteria during the school year additional instruction with another opportunity to make it to the next grade.

    Summer Acceleration is for elementary students who will be 15 years old by September 1 of the next school year AND did not meet 8th grade promotion criteria in June.  It provides an academic boost and practical preparation for high school.

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  • Credit Recovery Classes

    High school students can retake courses they failed and recover credits required for graduation.

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