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School Actions

School actions refer to school closures, consolidations, co-locations, and re-assignment boundary changes. The CEO may propose a school action that is consistent with the CEO’s Guidelines on School Actions (Guidelines). Prior to the Board of Education of the City of Chicago (Board) voting on any proposed school actions, two community meetings and one public hearing must be conducted. Subsequent to the hearings, a Board-appointed Hearing Officer will submit a report to the CEO and the Board. The Board will then use the report(s) to inform their decision regarding school actions. If you cannot attend those events please submit feedback at

2024-2025 Guidelines for School Actions

Every year, CPS develops the CEO's Guidelines for School Actions (Guidelines). The Guidelines set out the rules the district must follow in order to propose any school actions. School actions must be announced by December 1. The DRAFT Guidelines must be posted on or before October 1, and CPS will collect feedback for 21 days. After observing the 21-day feedback period, the district will release FINAL Guidelines.

List of Independent Hearing Officers

Before the Board of Education votes on any proposed school actions, the public has the opportunity to provide comment at hearings conducted by independent hearing officers, who are licensed attorneys in Illinois. After the hearings, hearing officers will issue a written summary of the testimony provided as well as their findings of CPS' compliance with 105 ILCS 5/34-230 , the state law that governs school action processes.