Your School Needs Your Voice
LSC student elections ensure that students have a voice at the decision-making table, recognizing their invaluable role in shaping their educational environment. By participating in the election, students are not only represented but are also empowered to take leadership roles and contribute to their school’s success. Be a part of shaping your school’s future — nominate yourself or vote for a fellow student in the upcoming LSC Student Election!
Learn about the role your LSC plays at your school and hear directly from student LSC members about the importance of getting involved.
What to Know About Student Elections
Who can run for office?
All high school students can run for election. Elementary school students in 6th and 7th grades may run for their LSC. (These students will be in 7th and 8th by the time their term starts).
Please note, nomination materials are due by February 7. View the instructions below for more information about running for you LSC.
Who can vote?
All high school and elementary school students (Pre-K through 12th grade) have the right to vote in LSC student elections.
When and where are elections held?
Student elections are held at each school between February 10 and February 14, 2025. Please note, principals decide on exact dates.
How many students are elected to their LSC?
For high schools, 3 students are elected to serve on the LSC. For elementary schools with 7th and 8th grades, 1 student is elected to serve on the LSC. The students with the most votes will be appointed by the Chicago Board of Education to serve a one-year term.
How to Run for Your LSC as a Student Candidate
Running for office and voting in the LSC Student Election empowers students to take on leadership roles and voice their opinions in school decision-making.
2025 Student Election Timeline
- January 27 - February 7: Student candidates fill out all forms listed below during the nomination period.
- January 27 - February 6: Students complete the Student Candidate Statement Form 4S-25 or the Candidate Statement form (4-25), both listed below. Principals post it in an assigned area at the school.
- February 10 - 13: Principals select a date for candidate forums within the timeframe. Forums must take place before the election. The student body may be invited to these forums. The forums may be in-person, virtual and recorded and shown in each classroom.
- February 10 - 14: Student elections are held. Principals selects the exact dates within this timeframe.
- February: If any ties occurred during voting, they are broken at an LSC regular meeting or special meeting.
- July 2025: The Board appoints students to their LSCs and principals add students to the LSC dashboard. Students who are appointed to their LSCs will need to attend monthly meetings. Additionally, student members will need to take the LSC training, which includes nine courses within six months of taking office.
Voting Privileges for LSC Student Representatives
Students can vote on:
- Budget transfers of NON-personnel related matters
- LSC Officers
- Regular LSC meeting schedule at the Organizational meeting
- Allowing a LSC member to attend electronically
- LSC by-laws
- Fundraising activities by outside organizations using the school
- Retention of the School Resource Officer (SRO)
- School uniform or dress code
- Recommendations to the principal on selection of textbooks
- Recommendations to the principal concerning curriculum development
- LSC Agendas and Minutes
- Internal Account Reports
- Endorsing the principal entering into a contract up to $10,000.00
- LSC procedural matters
- Advising the principal on attendance and disciplinary policies for the school
- Requesting of the Board the manner in which training and assistance shall be provided to the local school council
- Parent and community LSC vacancies
- Increasing the Limits that the principal can spend from the internal accounts without LSC approval
- Granting the use of the school assembly halls and classrooms, when not otherwise needed, for public lectures, concerts, and educational and social activities
- Removal of LSC members for missing Regular LSC meetings
- Approval of LSC and committee minutes
- Fundraising Proposals
- Going into closed session for matters where the students can vote
Students cannot vote on:
- Evaluation of the Principal's performance
- Renewal of the principal’s contract or the inclusion of any additional terms (addenda) to a new or renewed principal’s contract
- The direct selection or recommendation for a new contract principal
- Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP) or Budget
- Requesting that the principal close positions and open new ones consistent with the provisions of the CIWP
- Evaluating the allocation of teaching and non-teaching staff resources to determine if such allocation is consistent with instructional objectives and school programs as reflected in the CIWP
- Making recommendations to the principal concerning respective appointments of persons to fill any vacant, additional, or newly created positions for teachers at the attendance center
- Going into closed session for principal evaluation, selection, retention
While the voting privileges of the student LSC members are limited by state statute, their voice in the discussion of all these matters is encouraged and should be regarded as valuable. There are a number of ways that students can gather information to comment on important matters for which they may not vote. Student LSC members may participate in the following activities, provided they are approved by the LSC and principal: conducting surveys, interviews and focus groups with students. All surveys must be reviewed and approved by the Law Department. Principal approval is also required to ensure that the student surveys, interviews and focus groups do not disrupt the educational activities of the school.
School Instructions for Student Elections
Engaging students in the democratic process strengthens the school community and promotes a culture of collaboration and accountability.