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It is our goal to provide financial leadership to the Chicago Board of Education according to government regulations, Board policies and sound financial practices; to maintain the fiscal integrity of the organization; to develop internal and external partnerships; to educate students in a safe and well-rounded environment; and to work with leaders at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure adequate funding and support for educational initiatives.

Chicago Public Schools has focused on improving its financial foundation and funding those activities that will improve the educational achievement of our students.


The Chicago Public Schools Budget Book is the financial and policy plan of the Chicago Public Schools for the fiscal years.


See Previous Years

Capital Plan

CPS leadership is committed to redirecting dollars away from the unnecessary and inefficient spending of the past and toward the classroom and student learning.


See Previous Years

Annual Financial Report

The Comprehensive Annual Report and the Popular Annual Report provide the Chicago community with information about the district's financial condition in accordance with all state and federal legislation, governmental regulations and Board policies.

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Capital Expenditures


Emergency Relief Funding

As part of the federal American Rescue Plan, CPS was allocated $1.8 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funding, or ESSER III.

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