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Operational Excellence | Chicago Public Schools

CPS’ Three-Year Blueprint


Recommitments & Reimagining

Operational Excellence

In our previous strategic plan, this priority was called “Financial Stability,” but our commitment is larger than that — it’s about ensuring all of our students feel supported inside and outside the classroom with high-quality services, and that resources are distributed equitably to eliminate opportunity gaps across the District.

Our Recommitments

School building

1. High-Quality Services

  • Invest in our buildings so every student has access to high-quality school environments.
  • Ensure our buildings are cleaned and maintained daily to create safe learning environments.
  • Ensure that all eligible students have access to transportation services.
  • Engage student voice to inform nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch options.
  • Procure goods and services in a user-friendly process and without significant delays.
  • Develop a robust data and IT infrastructure to promote effective and equitable operations and learning.

2. Equitable Resources

  • Work with school leaders to fully invest in the District’s instructional priorities and shift resources to support the core student experience.
  • Advance funding equity by increasing targeted investments to support our highest-need students.
  • Secure additional education funding from the state and improve our funding model to more equitably and adequately support students.
  • Ensure student access to technology that allows them to access high-quality curriculum.
  • Increase contracting with minority-owned and women-owned businesses to build wealth within the communities we serve.

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the Blueprint